You can book online 24/7 or call / text 604-984-4247 during business hours.


We require clients to confirm with their credit card when booking an appointment online. (This helps prevent fake appointments and no-shows)

Fresha is a secure booking system - and there are no charges made until your appointment is checked out. If you’d prefer to use a different payment method after your service we still have a card terminal in the salon.

We recommend downloading the Fresha App and creating an account, you’ll be able to view/change/cancel your appointment easily at anytime.

Long term existing clients can have credit card confirmation waived - just ask us how!


All client prices / services remain the same as your previous visit and haven’t changed. If you’re unsure which stylist / service to book or have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.


We ask that if you’re unable to make your appointment please contact us 24 hours prior to avoid a late cancellation fee.

Have a question for the Hairsoda Team? Use this form to get in contact with us outside of business hours. (Response times are within 24 hours)